Sunday, December 11, 2005


Yesterday the Balabusta and the fella ended up helping out a friend who was cooking an SCA feast. We helped make ravioli dough this week, and lent our freezer to the storage of pasties and tartelets, and then yesterday we helped make salad, and frumenty, and chicken fricassee, and some really trayf stuff...all good, so the Balabusta is told, and she really enjoyed the frumenty and the spinach tarts. Not so much the dishwashing.

Anyway, today everyone was home, and in between desperate lesson planning, the Balabusta made brisket in the Crock Pot with onions and apricot jam and garlic and some beer. And glazed onions with honey and mustard and paprika and stuff--baked in the oven for an hour and a half. The recipe says 50 minutes, but the recipe, as a dear friend of the Balabusta would say, is on crack. And mashed potatoes made with mashed potato mix because the fella likes them supernaturally smooth, and the Balabusta cannot be bothered. The leftover mashed potatoes have been put aside, and will be incorporated, maybe, into latkes tomorrow.

All good. The onion sauce is very good, and very easy to make.

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